原  著
1998 第7巻 第1号 11‐21 


藤森 立男

本研究は北海道南西沖地震から10カ月後及び2年3カ月後に,精神健康調査票(GHQ28)を用いて最も深刻な被害の あった奥尻島青苗地区の被災者の精神健康を検討した.主要な結果は,以下の通りである.精神障害の有無を判定す る閾値点が6点以上のハイリスク者は10カ月後では76.6%,2年3カ月後では68.0%であり,災害による精神健康への 影響が長期化していた.また,2年3カ月後のデータに基づき,ハイリスク者の発生に寄与するりスク要因を分析した 結果,最も相対危険度の高いのは仕事や家事の回復状況の要因であり,回復していない人は回復している人の3.76倍 の危険度であった.次に,相対危険度の高いのは被害程度の要因であり,重度の被害を受けた人は軽度の人の3.61倍 であった.さらに,相談相手のいない人はいる人の2.58倍,50歳以上の人は50歳末満の人の2.27倍となっていた. これらの結果から,被災者の実情に即した心理的・社会的支援体制の必要性と災害研究の今後の課題を考察した.


T.FUJIMORI (Yokohama National University).
Prolonged mental health problems due to natural disaster:

This study examined mental health of victims in Hokkaido Nansei-oki Earthquake of 1993. The 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28) was administered to residents of the Aonae district of Okushiri Island, which was most heavily damaged by the earthquake. The accepted threshold for GHQ28 to indicate a risk for nonpsychotic psychiatric disorders is a score of six, and an extremely large proportion of the respondents exceeded the threshold. At ten months after the earthquake, 76.6% of respondents scored above 6, which only slightly dropped to 68.0% at 27 months. The results indicated that disaster victims' mental health was at risk for a long time and not just immediately after the disaster. Risk factors for GHQ28 scores at 27 months after the earthquake were analyzed, and relative risk ratios computed. The ratio was highest among people unable to return to employment or household work, 3.76 times more likely to exceed the threshold than others. A second risk factor, the severity of damage caused by the earthquake had a ratio of 3.61 for severe over minor damage. A ratio of 2.58 was found for people unable to talk or consult with someone else, and a 2.27 for those older than 50. Finally, the need to develop a practical system of psychological and social support, matched to the circumstances of individual victims, was discussed. Methodological suggestions were also made to improve future research.

Key words: natural disaster, mental health, GHQ28, research methodology

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