原  著
2004 第13巻 第1号 1-10


谷(仙谷) 真弓・山崎 勝之

Locus of Control(統制の位置;以下LOC)は,これまでに児童の健康や行動上の問題との関連が数多く見出されている.子どもにおけるその測度では,標準化された質問紙がいくつか見受けられるが,それらの質問紙は,この領域の研究結果を混乱させるいくつかの欠点を持っている.そこで本研究では,新しい児童用外的統制性質問紙(GEQC)の開発を試みた.調査Iでは,4?6年生466名の児童を対象に,因子構造の検討を行った.その結果,一因子構造が明らかとなり,計16項目が採用された.調査IIでは,4〜6年生1,349名の児童を対象にこの質問紙を実施し,加えて,担任教師による,外的統制性を強くもつ児童の指名(ノミネート)調査と児童自身による同特性の仲間評定調査を実施した.さらに,4〜6年生の児童205名に,約5週間の間隔で質問紙を2回実施し,再検査法による質問紙結果の信頼性についても検討した.こうして,調査IIでは,信頼性と構成概念的妥当性が検討された.その結果,本質問紙が構成概念的妥当性と安定性,内的整合性を兼ね備えていることが明らかになった.

キーワード:統制の位置, 外的統制性, 質問紙, 小学児童

M. TANI (Hyogo College of Medicine) & K. YAMASAKI (Naruto University of Education)
Development of General External-control Questionnaire for Children (GEQC)

Locus of control has been found to be associated with a number of problems in health and behaviors of children. Although there are a few standardized questionnaires for children to measure it, they are not without shortcomings that make interpretation of results ambiguous. So in the present study, a new standardized scale for external locus of control (GEQC) was developed for Japanese children, aged between the 4th and the 6th grades. In Study 1, the new questionnaire was administered to children of the age (n=466) to investigate its factor structure. As a result, it was found that one factor could be measured with 16 items. In Study 2, the questionnaire was administered to children of the age (n=1,349) and some of their classroom teachers nominated children that typically characterize external control, and some children rated their classmates on the same dimension. In addition, in order to check its reliability, it was administered twice, separated by about five weeks, to some of the children (n=205). Thus, in this study, reliability and validity of the questionnaire were investigated. Results showed that it was reliable and internally consistent, and showed concurrent validity.

Key words: locus of control, external control, questionnaire, elementary school children

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