原  著
2005 第13巻 第2号 156-169


丹羽 智美

本研究の目的は,親への愛着を測定する尺度を作成し,親への愛着がストレス状況における適応過程へ与える影響について検討することであった.Brennan, Clark & Shaver (1998) は愛着を不安と回避によってとらえられるとしたことから,本研究では親への愛着をその2側面からとらえる尺度作成を試みた.研究1において,親への愛着,自己受容,親子関係からなる質問紙に回答を求めた.親への愛着は愛着不安と愛着回避の2因子が得られ,その信頼性と妥当性が確認された.研究2では,学校間移行という環境移行に焦点をあて,親への愛着の適応過程に及ぼす影響について縦断的に検討を行った.2回の調査において,親への愛着,自尊感情,孤独感,大学生活不安からなる質問紙に回答を求めた.その結果,愛着不安高群の方が愛着不安低群よりも,第1回調査時期と第2回調査時期における孤独感と対人関係不安の差が大きかった.このことより,親への愛着不安の低い方がストレス状況における孤独感と対人関係不安を緩衝していることが示唆された.

キーワード:親への愛着, 適応過程, 環境移行, ストレス

T. NIWA(Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University)
Attachment to Parents and Adjustment to Transition in Young Adulthood

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure attachment to parents, and to examine the role of the attachment in adjustment to transitional stress. Brennan, Clark & Shaver (1998) proposed two attachment facets of anxiety and avoidance, and in this study, a scale intended to tap the two toward parents was constructed. In Study 1, attachment to parents, self-acceptance, and parent-child relationship were examined. Factor analysis revealed two factors in the attachment: Anxiety to Attachment and Avoidance of Attachment. Two subscales corresponding to the factors showed good reliability and validity. In Study 2, the role of the attachment in social environmental adjustment was examined through a short-term longitudinal study, focusing on school transition. Attachment to parents, self-esteem, loneliness, and college life anxiety of first-year students were measured. Results revealed that those high on Anxiety to Attachment showed larger increases in loneliness and apprehension toward interpersonal relationship between two time periods than the low. The findings suggested that those who were low on the Anxiety were able to cope better with stress arising from loneliness and apprehension toward interpersonal relationship.

Key words: attachment to parents, adjustment process, social environmental transition, stress

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