資  料
2005 第13巻 第2号 231-241


藤島 寛・山田 尚子・辻 平治郎

本研究では5 因子性格検査(FFPQ ; FFPQ 研究会,2002)の短縮版を構成し,その信頼性と妥当性の検討を行った.FFPQ は外向性,愛着性,統制性,情動性,遊戯性という5 つの超特性,その各超特性の下位因子として5 つの要素特性という階層構造を持ち,包括的に性格を記述することができる.しかし,項目数が150 項目と多いため,回答者の負担が少ない短縮版の作成が待たれていた.FFPQ から,階層構造を維持するような50 項目を選んでFFPQ 短縮版(FFPQ-50) とし,900 名の大学生に実施して因子分析を行った.その結果,項目レベルでも要素特性レベルでも単純な5 因子構造が示された.またエゴグラム(TEG) との関係から併存的妥当性が確認され,芸術大学の音楽専攻大学生の性格特徴をFFPQ と同様に記述できることが示された.これらの結果から,FFPQ-50 は階層構造を維持し,記述の多様性をもった性格テストであると考えられる.

キーワード:5 因子性格検査(FFPQ),FFPQ 短縮版,階層構造

Y. FUJISHIMA(Faculty of Human Science, Konan Women's University), N. YAMADA(Institute of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Konan Women's University) and H. TSUJI(Faculty of Human Science, Konan Women’s University)
Construction of Short form of Five Factor Personality Questionnaire

The purpose of this study was to construct a short form of Five Factor Personality Questionnaire (FFPQ; Tsuji et al., 2002). FFPQ is a 150-item questionnaire that measures five super traits: Extraversion, Attachment, Controlling, Emotionality, and Playfulness. Each super trait consists of five component traits. Fifty items (FFPQ-50) carefully chosen from FFPQ to keep its hierarchical structure were administered, with a 5- point rating format, to 900 undergraduates, 525 women and 375 men. Principal component analysis was performed on the data, and five factors were extracted. The Varimax-rotated solution with principal factor analysis showed a simple structure and alpha coefficients for the super traits were sufficiently high, ranging from .74 to .84. Furthermore, FFPQ-50 showed concurrent validity with Tokyo University Egogram (TEG) and was able to describe the personality characteristics of music students as distinctively as FFPQ. The results were discussed from the viewpoint of the usefulness of a short form with the hierarchical structure.

Key words: Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire, a short form of FFPQ, hierarchical structure

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