討  論
2005 第14巻 第1号 113-124


酒井 久実代・大久保 智生・鈴木 麻里子・友田 貴子

本研究はパーソナリティ心理学教育における問題点を明らかにし,今後の望ましいあり方について検討す ることを目的として行われた.日本パーソナリティ心理学会会員を対象とした質問紙調査からパーソナリ ティ心理学関連の授業を担当している会員は53%,受講した経験がある会員は63% にすぎず,大学における パーソナリティ心理学教育は充実しているとは言えない状況であった.またパーソナリティ心理学と他の関 連領域を包括した授業のあり方への言及とパーソナリティ心理学の独自性が確立できていないことの指摘が みられた.パーソナリティ心理学教育に関する大会シンポジウムでは,教養教育,経営人事アセスメント, 心理臨床におけるパーソナリティ心理学について話題提供がなされた.調査と話題提供で示された視点か ら,一般教養としてのパーソナリティ心理学は自己理解教育,心理学の入門としての役割があること,専門 教育としては学際性の追求と独自性の確立という2 つの方向性があることが示された.パーソナリティ理論 を幅広く教えることの必要性,関係性を重視したパーソナリティ理論を取り入れることにより臨床心理学や 産業・組織心理学の基礎としての有用性が高められることが考察された.


K. SAKAI(Faculty of Physical education, Japan Women’s College of Physical Education), T. OKUBO(Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University), M. SUZUKI(Assessment Research Center, JMA MANAGEMENT CENTER INC.) & T. TOMODA(School of Human and Social Sciences, Saitama Institute of Technology)
Development of Friendship Motivation Scale in the Framework of the Self-Determination Theory

The purpose of this study was to identify issues in personality psychology education, and explore the paths we were to take. It was found, in our questionnaire study of the members of Japan Society of Personality Psychology, that only 53% teach personality psychology, and only 63% took a course in the field of psychology during their undergraduate education. While some wrote that teaching personality psychology with other related fields of psychology was effective and recommended, others indicated their dissatisfaction in the fact that personality psychology was not fully established as a field of its own. Based on the survey results as well as the discussions at the society’s annual meeting, we would like to suggest the following: (1) Introductory personality psychology could be taught as a course that facilitates self understanding. (2) It could be an excellent introductory course to the whole fields of academic psychology. (3) Teaching various personality theories in an upper-level course could contribute to establishment of the discipline’s identity, at the same time to promotion of interdisciplinary studies around personality psychology. And (4) such an upper-level course has the role as the basis for clinical psychology and industrial and organizational psychology. Toward these goals, personality psychology theories that incorporate interpersonal relationship as well as social situation and environment are especially valuable for the education of personality psychology.

Key words: personality psychology education, education to understand the self, introduction to academic psychology, personality theories

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