資  料
2006 第14巻 第2号 214-226

自己愛人格傾向尺度 (NPI-35) の作成の試み

小西 瑞穂, 大川 匡子, 橋本 宰

わが国では,自己愛人格傾向の測定について,Raskin & Hall (1979) やEmmons (1984) の自己愛人格尺度(Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI)が邦訳・検討されているが,回答方式や因子構造は研究者によって異なっている.そこで,本研究ではまだ邦訳されていないRaskin & Terry (1988) のNPIを邦訳し,新たな自己愛人格傾向尺度 (Narcissistic Personality Inventory-35; NPI-35) の作成を目的とした.調査1では探索的因子分析によって35項目5因子構造(注目欲求,誇大感,主導性,身体賞賛,自己確信)を見出した.次に調査2では,他集団のサンプルを対象に確認的因子分析を行い,十分な交叉妥当性を確認した.また,調査3においては,高い再検査信頼性が確認された.調査4では NPI-35の構成概念妥当性を検討するために,自己愛人格目録短縮版,顕示尺度,賞賛獲得欲求尺度,自尊感情尺度との関連を検討した.その結果,NPI -35および各下位尺度と他尺度との相関関係が先行研究とある程度一致し,十分とは言えないが,構成概念妥当性が確認された.

キーワード:自己愛人格傾向, Narcissistic Personality Inventory-35, 信頼性, 妥当性

Mizuho Konishi(Department of Psychiatry, Shiga University of Medical Science), Masako Okawa(Department of Psychiatry, Shiga University of Medical Science) and Tsukasa Hashimoto(Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University)
Development of Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-35)

In Japan, many researchers have studied narcissistic personality using Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI: Raskin & Hall, 1979; Emmons, 1984); however, different response formats were used and inconsistent factors found by different researchers. We tried to develop a new Japanese version of NPI, after the inventory by Raskin and Terry (1988). In Study 1, we explored internal structure of the scale through factor analysis, and found five factors: need for attention, sense of grandeur, leadership, praise for the body, and self conviction. We named it Narcissistic Personality Inventory-35 (NPI-35). In Study 2, the five factors found in Study 1 were verified by confirmatory factor analysis on the data of another sample. Study 3 showed that NPI-35 had sufficient test-retest reliability. Finally, in Study 4, we investigated validity in terms of the correlations between NPI-35 and NPI-Short version (Oshio, 1998), exhibitionism scale (Edwards, 1953), praise seeking scale (Sugawara, 1986), and self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965). It was demonstrated that the full-scale NPI-35 and its component scales had good correlational validity.

Key words: narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Inventory-35, reliability, validity

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