講演者: Bernard Weiner(Department of Psychology, UCLA)
司会者: 青柳 肇(早稲田大学人間科学部)
シカゴ大学において学士、修士を取得後、ミシガン大学においてPhD.を取得。ミネソタ大学講師(Assistant Professor)を経て、1965年よりUCLA(University of California,Los Angels)へ。講師を経て現在教授。
Social psychological theories, which focus on situational determinants of behavior, often ignore individual differences. In this presentation, I first examine an attribution theory of social motivation. Then the value of adding individual difference variables
to the theory is considered. The personality variable included is political ideology (conservative-liberal), which influences causal attributions and their linked emotions and actions. It is shown that the conceptual analysis is strengthened when individual differences are combined with situational determinants of action.